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Samurai Husky's Den-Dojo

Hola, aca anda un Husky tranqui, amante de la musica, el cine, el anime, la informatica y muchas cosas mas… Tambien tengo un novio hermoso, un pandita tierno a quien amo. Hey, I’m just an easygoing Husky guy, lover of music, movies, anime and a lot more. I’m an avid South Park fan and you’ll see a lot of that stuff on my blog, among other random stuff I like of course. I’m a writer too, or at least I put some words together and post them where I can… I’m also starting to incursion into RPing so if you want to do one just ask me ^^ But let me tell you, this is not an RP exclusive blog, so expect a lot of OOC stuf in here…
