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I'm not your waifu, shitlord

Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…

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Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…



Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…



Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…



Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…



Merina, 20. California. Mixed race bby### Native American (Delaware Indian, Lenape, Cherokee) Latin@ (Mexican, Spanish, Basque) & White (Irish, Scottish, British, French, German, etc). I like TV, books, art, makeup and food. Interests also include…
