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Backburner Theme

Backburner is a highly customizable and feature rich premium Tumblr theme by Style Hatch. Backburner supports virtually every Tumblr feature including group blogs, lots of appearance options, Disqus comments, Facebook like button, and retweet buttons. Install Backburner for Only $19 Preview Backburner Styles Backburner comes with three unique styles that you can choose from. Ash Charcoal Royal Select the style you want to use in the Customize > Appearance menu. // Temporary to simulate theme switching for Backburner preview // DO NOT INCLUDE IN THEME FILE function changeTheme(arg) { $("body").removeClass().addClass(arg); $(".search_box input:image").attr("src", "http://theme.jonathanmoore.com/backburner/css/theme/" + arg + "/icon-search.png"); switch(arg) { case 'ash' : Cufon.replace('.content p:first-child b:first-child, .content p:first-child strong:first-child, .simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .liked h2', { fontFamily: 'League Gothic', fontSize: '30px', color: '#23292d' /* darkest grey */ }); Cufon.replace('.text p:first-child b:first-child, .text p:first-child strong:first-child', { fontFamily: 'Museo Slab 500', fontSize: '24px', color: '#23292d' /* darkest grey */ }); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_text_h3, .text h3, .text blockquote, .quote blockquote p, .link h2, .audio h2, .audio h3, .chat li strong'); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .text .head_title h2, .chat .head_title h2, .text .head_title_answer h2, .liked h2, .sidebar .title h1, .header h1, .search_results h2'); break; case 'charcoal' : Cufon.replace('.content p:first-child b:first-child, .content p:first-child strong:first-child, .simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .liked h2', { fontFamily: 'League Gothic', fontSize: '30px', color: '#eef0d2' /* less off-white */ }); Cufon.replace('.text p:first-child b:first-child, .text p:first-child strong:first-child', { fontFamily: 'Museo Slab 500', fontSize: '24px', color: '#292929' /* light grey */ }); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_text_h3, .text h3, .text blockquote, .quote blockquote p, .link h2, .audio h2, .audio h3, .chat li strong'); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .text .head_title h2, .chat .head_title h2, .text .head_title_answer h2, .liked h2, .sidebar .title h1, .header h1, .search_results h2'); break; case 'royal' : Cufon.replace('.content p:first-child b:first-child, .content p:first-child strong:first-child, .simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .liked h2', { fontFamily: 'League Gothic', fontSize: '30px', color: '#b8c0c7' /* light blue */ }); Cufon.replace('.text p:first-child b:first-child, .text p:first-child strong:first-child', { fontFamily: 'Museo Slab 500', fontSize: '24px', color: '#2b232d' /* dark purple 3 */ }); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_text_h3, .text h3, .text blockquote, .quote blockquote p, .link h2, .audio h2, .audio h3, .chat li strong'); Cufon.refresh('.simulated_content_h2, .content h2, .text .head_title h2, .chat .head_title h2, .text .head_title_answer h2, .liked h2, .sidebar .title h1, .header h1, .search_results h2'); break; } } // END - DO NOT INCLUDE
