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i don't wike it

sapphirescribe here. Fan, reader, shipper, writer, sometimes-podficcer, co-mod of @TeenWolfRecs. Kink friendly, sex positive. Not a spoiler free blog. Here you will find the multiple sources of my insanity. If there’s something I should be tagging for, let me know. Sometimes I rec things. All fic recsRec lists MCU recs (mostly Steve/Tony and Clint/Phil; this also encompases comic-based and Agents of SHIELD-based fics, but I use the MCU rec tag for continuity.) Teen Wolf recs (mostly Derek/Stiles) Inception recs (Arthur/Eames) I have a Chris Evans problem, which frequently gets conflated with my Captain America problem. I also tag a variety of porns: beard porn, hand porn, mouth porn, chest hair. The things in the pornography tag are surprisingly safe for work, but not safe for your mental health if you like Chris Evans. Things that are actually NSFW are tagged as such.

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