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Active resistance; passionate existence.

My name is dave gunn. I am just another nobody on the Internet. Previously: variations of uglyuglyugly and headandstomachache. This is something I do when I’m bored, but I do hope it means something to someone. This blog is inherently “triggering” and NSFW. (518)-281-2024; Schenectady, NY. Perpetually homeless and wandering. Ugly, fat, lonely, sad, angry. Happily unemployed and unschooled. Environmentalist, abolitionist vegan. Radically sober straightedge. Anarchist, anti-capitalist, cop-hater. Egalitarian, misanthropic humanist. Skeptic, atheist, scientific heathen. Juggalo sympathizer. Refusing to be a man. Pansexual gender nihilist. Car-free bike rider. Writer/zinester, DIY everything. Doom-and-gloom cynical realist. Film snob, foodie, pigeon lover. Admirer of the arts and words. Interested in everything. Honest, decent, kind person. Fucked-up for life.Frequently used tags::(, anarchism, animal rights, animals, art, atheism, audio, awesome, awful, beautiful, birds, body parts, capitalism, cats, comic, cops, cute, death, depression, diy, dogs, environmentalism, equality, facts and figures, film, food, for sale, friends, gender, gif, good advice, good ideas, graffiti, gross, haha, humans, image/s, injuries, insects, karma, life, medical, mental illness, music, nature, news, places, politics, poverty, pretty people, psychology, quotes, reality, school, science, seriously, sex, social justice, straightedge, travel, truth, tv, vegan, video, violence, weird, whatveganseat, whoa, words, work, xvx, zinesLinks:Personal posts.Asks and answers.Add me on Facebook.Follow me on Instagram.Buy my zines on Etsy.Read my life story on LiveJournal.Browse my favorite films on Mubi.E-mail me.Give me money?
