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Carleton University Research Office

Carleton University

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Digital Research Alliance of Canada – Resource Allocation Competition

Funder’s Website The funder’s website can be found HERE. Overview The Resource Allocation Competition (RAC) enables faculty members and their research groups to access compute, storage and cl...


Crohn’s and Colitis Canada – 2025 Grants-in-Aid of Research Competition

Funder’s Website The funder’s website can be found HERE. Funding Value and Duration Funding is limited to a maximum of $125,000 annually for up to three years. Overview Crohn’s and Colitis ...


French National Research Agency (ANR) – Generic Call for Proposals 2025

Funder’s Website The funder’s website can be found HERE. Funding Value and Duration The Generic Call for Proposals 2025 involves five funding instruments. These instruments aim to fund indivi...
