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Ask the Safezone

Hey the name is Bianca. Some of you guys may remember around the time when the infection began. But it’s been about two years now since the green flu started. The number of infecteds are slowly lowering but the mutation is getting worst making the creatures stronger and faster. After months of being in a Carrier camp, it got taken over and so did some other camps as well. My job now is not only to save myself but find the remaining survivors from the nearby camps and get them to our safezone (our boat). So if you’re a survivor and you’re hearing this radio call then please reply and we’ll come save you. Name: Bianca.B Age: 26 Gender: female Main weapon: Sniper Melee: Skillet ((occasionally, handgun)) Main grenade: Boomer Bile Duty: Watch duty and clearing the path for other survivors. Grizz: Age 42 KiKi: 17 Daniel:27
