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An untitled venture

Hi, I’m Lauren. I’m a photographer and artist in Reno who spends too much time fangirling, reading fan fic, watching sci fi shows and instagramming. Feminist. Pomeranian enthusiast. Doppleganger of Merida. Lover of cherry blossoms, flamingos, interior design, nautical things, Disney, long hair, bearded men, crochet, photography, Italian food and cheesy pop music. Frequent crier over Fall Out Boy and OneDirection. There are too many handsome celebrities ruining my life. I’ve got tattoos but I’m not alternative, and I could never ever be a hipster, despite my choice in bars. I post tons of feminist stuff and I never tag my spoilers. If you’re interested in any of my art, visit me at lornrocks.deviantart.com, flickr.com/lornrocks and if you’re interested in any of my fic, visit me at lornrocks.livejournal.com or archiveofourown.org/users/lornrocks/works.

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