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I solemnly swear that i am up to no good

Oh hello, didn’t see you there, but that’s probably because we’re both at another end of a computer screen. But hey take a seat, make yourself feel at home. Do you want anything to drink? Some juice, tea or maybe some coffee, if that’s what you prefer? Ok, I’ll go get you some, in the meantime you can just read my introduction. Go ahead, I’ll be right back. (INTRODUCTION IS ON THE LEFT OF YOUR SCREEN) READ THIS AFTER THE INTRODUCTION… OR NOT . Oh great, you’re still here. Sorry It took me so long, I forgot what you wanted to drink for a second so I came back to ask you but you looked so cute reading my introduction, so I decided to just bring everything drinkable from my fridge. Now that you sort of know me, we can have a conversation, If you want to, or you could just take a look at my blog, it’s all fine by me as long as you keep everything clean, and oh, If you want to you can take off your shoes, I have special guest slippers you can wear. And if you like you can take off your uncomfortable pants and put on some pajama pants or a jogging… or no pants at all, but you don’t have to of course.
