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The Remains of a Poet

Me: Carrie. 25. Fandom-obsessed lurker. This: Words. Thoughts. Meta. Fandom squee. Reblogs, reblogs, reblogs. Fandoms (that show up with varying degrees of frequency (or possibly never)): The Almighty Johnsons. The Americans. Arrested Development. Arrow. Being Human (UK). British Panel Shows. Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Castle. The Chronicles of Narnia. Covert Affairs. Doctor Who. Downton Abbey. Elementary. Faking It. Finding Carter. The Flash. Friends. Fringe. Game of Thrones. Hannibal. Harry Potter. The Hobbit. How to Get Away with Murder. The Hunger Games. Intelligence. The IT Crowd. Kings. Life on Mars (UK). The Librarians. The Lord of the Rings. Merlin. The Mindy Project. Miranda. MCU. Modern Family. The Musketeers. The Originals. Once Upon A Time. Orange is the New Black. Orphan Black. Outlander. Parks & Recreation. Primeval. Reign. Revolution. Sleepy Hollow. Star Trek (TOS, TNG, DS9, AOS). Suits. Supernatural. The Vampire Diaries. Vikings. Wentworth. White Collar. X-Men.

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