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The Ravings of a Madd Bird

Hello all and welcome to my blog! I’m a 23 year old queer theatre geek that loves all kinds of awesome stuff. Anything! Like: Theatre, Supernatural, LOST, geeking out, nerding strong, playing the piano, taking pictures, BOOks!!, Beards, hairy chests, cute guys, puppies, Sherlock, hiking, camping, AND SO MUCH MORE. Oh an there’s some RP going on with my best mate Mauvecardigan. Usually SPN but it can bleed into other things as well. Enjoy! ALSO this really is an 18+ blog as there is a lot of mature adult content. And yes boys, I am indeed taken by gayenigma here on tumblr!

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Hello all and welcome to my blog! I’m a 23 year old queer theatre geek that loves all kinds of awesome stuff. Anything! Like: Theatre, Supernatural, LOST, geeking out, nerding strong, playing the piano, taking pictures, BOOks!!, Beards, hairy chests, cute guys, puppies, Sherlock, hiking, camping, AND SO MUCH MORE. Oh an there’s some RP going on with my best mate Mauvecardigan. Usually SPN but it can bleed into other things as well. Enjoy! ALSO this really is an 18+ blog as there is a lot of mature adult content. And yes boys, I am indeed taken by gayenigma here on tumblr!



Hello all and welcome to my blog! I’m a 23 year old queer theatre geek that loves all kinds of awesome stuff. Anything! Like: Theatre, Supernatural, LOST, geeking out, nerding strong, playing the piano, taking pictures, BOOks!!, Beards, hairy chests, cute guys, puppies, Sherlock, hiking, camping, AND SO MUCH MORE. Oh an there’s some RP going on with my best mate Mauvecardigan. Usually SPN but it can bleed into other things as well. Enjoy! ALSO this really is an 18+ blog as there is a lot of mature adult content. And yes boys, I am indeed taken by gayenigma here on tumblr!
