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Eleanor | 16 | Very British | Alton Towers is more my home than my actual house is | Musicals are my life, especially BoM and all the Team Starkid shows | In love with The Force Awakens and all it’s characters | Undertale fills me with determination | ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD | My two favourite books are The Night Circus and Good Omens | My two main ships are Quirrelmort and Stormpilot; I occasionally write shitty fics about both on AO3, same name as my Tumblr url if you want to check that out | I also ship Drarry, Aziraphale/Crowley, Cecilos, 00Q and Johnlock | My interests are all over the place so expect a load of random crap on this blog | Hope you enjoy whatever the fuck this blog is! :D
