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DATs Creatives in Residence

DATs Creatives in Residence 2014 - FACHWERKEN / MITWIRKEN DATs Creatives in Residence welcomes artists, poets, designers, architects, biologists, engineers, historians, photographers, filmmakers, dancers … to spend one week in a traditional house in Nuremberg, to research and reflect on vernacular architecture, traditional forms of construction, ecological materials, anonymous and collective building, history of architecture, timber-framed house structures.

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DATs Creatives in Residence 2014 - FACHWERKEN / MITWIRKEN DATs Creatives in Residence welcomes artists, poets, designers, architects, biologists, engineers, historians, photographers, filmmakers, dancers … to spend one week in a traditional house in Nuremberg, to research and reflect on vernacular architecture, traditional forms of construction, ecological materials, anonymous and collective building, history of architecture, timber-framed house structures.
