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Bored and Brilliant

Welcome to Bored and Brilliant! Why Boredom      |      How It Works     |     The Challenges     |     The Data     |     FAQ   Join Note to Self's Bored and Brilliant project, a week of challenges to help you detach from your phone and spend more time thinking creatively. Here's how it works:   1. SIGN UP HERE to get our six days of challenges in your inbox each morning.     2. FIGURE OUT YOUR BASELINE. Download one of our suggested apps, Moment for Apple devices or BreakFree for Android, to see how much time you’re actually spending on your phone. Let the app run for a day to see where you stand.   3. GET BORED AND BRILLIANT. It's as easy as that! We'll email you our challenge podcasts over the course of six mornings. They build from basic phone awareness habits to a big creative project.  Welcome!

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