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‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …



‘Beneath the surface a person is suffering from a deadly boredom that makes everything seem meaningless and empty … as if the initial encounter with the Self casts a dark shadow ahead of time’. Psychotherapist Carl Jung considered as a perennial danger in life that 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content … the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness’ — his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona ‘sets in motion. The encounter with the shadow plays a central part in a person’s process of individuation. Carl Jung considered that 'the course of individuation … exhibits a certain formal regularity. Its signposts and milestones are various archetypal symbols’ marking its stages; and of these the first stage leads to the experience of the SHADOW. Keep in mind that the use of darkness as a rhetorical device has been a long standing tradition. There is one perspective, where 'the shadow’… is a rough equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious; and Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung himself considered that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man’s shadow side unexampled in any previous age’. Carl Jung also believed that “in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness, or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity.” So that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow… represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar’. Shadows have existed since the facilitation of objects obstructing light. An unattended shadow or area of shade was thought as well by some cultures, to be similar to that of a ghost. Human beings are unable to distinguish colors when either light or darkness predominates. In conditions of insufficient light, perception is achromatic and ultimately, black. Contrary to the Freudian conceptualization of shadow, the Jungian version of the shadow often refers to all that lies outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow,” Carl Jung wrote, “and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.” It may be in part one’s link to more primitive animal instincts, which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind. Everything of which a person is not fully conscious, an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not recognize in it, is the shadow aspect. Because a person will often reject or mostly remain ignorant to the least desirable aspects of one’s own personality, the shadow is largely negative. According to Jung, the shadow aspect, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to projection: turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Carl Jung also writes that if these projections continue to go unrecognized that “The projection-making factor, also called the Shadow archetype, then has a free hand and can realize its object–if it has one–or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power.” These projections can insulate and cripple an individual by forming an ever thicker fog of illusion between their ego and the real world. Fog shadows look odd since humans are not used to seeing shadows in three dimensions. According to Jung, who founded analytical psychology, 'A man who is possessed by his shadow is always standing in his own light and falling into his own traps … living below his own level’: hence, in terms of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 'it must be Jekyll, the conscious personality, who integrates the shadow … and not vice versa. Otherwise the conscious becomes the slave of the autonomous shadow’. In its own depths…below, in the shadows of the unconscious, so too what comes to the forefront is 'what was hidden under the mask of conventional adaptation: the shadow’, with the result that 'ego and shadow are no longer divided out are brought together in a — admittedly precarious — unity’. The impact of such a 'confrontation with the shadow produces at first a dead balance, a standstill that hampers on your moral decisions and makes convictions ineffective… chaos and melancholia’. During this time of descent — one, three, seven years, more or less — genuine courage and strength are required’, with no certainty of emergence. Nevertheless Carl Jung remained of the opinion that while 'no one should deny the danger of the descent … every descent is followed by an ascent …and assimilation of — rather than possession by — the shadow becomes at last a real possibility. Acknowledgement of your shadow must be a continuous process throughout one’s life. It is a grim process of accepting one’s shadow. It is a personification of the unconscious. The shadow, and the self - has both a light and a dark aspect….the anima and animus have dual aspects: they can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or they can cause petrification and physical death. One danger was of what Carl Jung has termed the “invasion” of the conscious by the unconscious archetype - “Possession caused by the anima…bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people.” When the shadow, the dark side, has not been sufficiently realized it’s almost like a psychological short-circuit, unconscious, as does the persona go between the ego and the environment. Carl Jung insisted that “a state of anima possession…must be prevented. The anima cannot be forced into the inner world. The dissolution of the persona and the launch of the individuation process also bring with it a danger of falling victim to the shadow … a black shadow which everybody carries with them, the inferior and therefore hidden aspect of your personality —a merger with the shadow, possession by it. When the shadow does manifest, that is how you know it is time to listen to its message, rather than to act on its impulses. Social psychology often employs the experimental method in an attempt to better understand human social interaction. Human codependence patterns stem from the shadow’s fears and illusions about how to love and be loved. Until we make them conscious, we are likely to act out, manipulate, or otherwise behave co-dependently through this negative, non-purified ego. Rationally, if you’re conscious enough to see everything in your life, if you can accept all things about your personality, whether they are good or bad, angelic or deviant and live with full understanding of the consequences of your actions and of your relationship to every other living thing on this planet, then you too may begin seeing shadows in the people around you. The shadow inside will dissipate or lighten when we can accept it. Now remember, 'the more consciousness gains in clarity, the more monarchic becomes its content…the king constantly needs the renewal that begins with a descent into his own darkness'— his shadow - which the 'dissolution of the persona’ sets into motion. “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself “and represents “a tight passage, a narrow door, whose painful constriction no one is spared who goes down to the deep well”. These unacceptable parts of one’s own personality represented by the shadow archetype are particularly likely to give rise to some kind of projection and are commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic, and in personalities functioning at a primitive/animalistic level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder. The sacred function of the shadow is to force you to work through your dark side, so its energy can be released in the appropriate ways. Classic social psychology experiments are widely used to expose the key elements of aggressive behavior, prejudice and stereotyping. A social experiment is an experience and subjects are not usually told they are subjects in an experiment. But if they were, what would this mean? I have already identified that attachment is the shadow of the ego, but this is not enough. Social experiments usually tend to blur the line between researcher and research topic. Boxing the ego is an artistic cataloging of my experiences with the shadow aspect. The observational self is the tamer of your shadow side. The rule for assigning numbers to a property of an object or event is called a “scale”. For practical purposes and for you to a gain better and more complete understanding of my experiences, I call it a “timeline.” Now, it is practically unheard-of for a sociopath to write a memoir — about being a sociopath, I mean. There are presumably lots of memoirs written by anti-social personalities about other things, like how they can succeed in business. How “they” can. But we both know that what someone like this wants, is for you not to succeed. When the shadow appears as an event in the world, it has a job -“sparring partner.” Remember, it isn’t you, it’s always them. You did not do this to yourself. Homicide never suicide - kill the root. There is a point where something went wrong in a person’s life that causes them to cognitively view things based on the negative event. The way the person relates to this point on their “timeline” will affect them forever. If you just can’t stop yourself from acting out, then you need a lesson. A negative ego can be tamed. It is like getting into a time machine, going back and fixing the relationship to the event/circumstance that initially caused them to view the world in an altered way, and give them the confidence, skills and knowledge to pursue the future correctly, without that instance inhibiting their whole life and recycling that pattern of depression. Once you know and accept the root, every situation where you used that moment as a basis or bias of understanding has to be corrected. It’s an amazing and also terrifying moment when you realize why something really hindered you, and you invert it. I use the Moral Law, which is written as a “mirror of our sins,” as the base of my theory. A mirror image appears three-dimensional if the observer moves. This is because the relative position of objects change as the observer’s perspective changes, or is different viewed with each eye. From which ever direction you look, everyone has a shadow side. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. Sometimes when we tell a story, we are writing because it is a way to allow the suffered reverence. The mundane can suffer and the suffered can thrive. I have suffered. There are laws and there is what is raw. What is real and completely unkempt, the things that have been kept close to us, not a secret per-say, but they are primitive. They are a textile of mystery and of science that this art can now only factory into the restoration of a style. Never accept logical knowledge as a substitute for an emotional transformation. These segments are what give way to my qualifications. The brain only has the potential for one major power glitch at a time. The implication that a slip in that mastery will imply it to no longer hold such a strong charge is debatable, and far outnumbers any other factor in predominance. My mom says that I’m crazy, “crazy like a fox.” Either way, I am going to get my point across, and it is not going to all be a bunch of dull psychobabble and theology. You are going to understand the connections. The shadows, the psychopaths, the narcissist’s are – huge reflectors, they are mirrors. This is the service that they bring to evolution and to humanity – they brutally reflect back your shadows so clearly that you cannot miss them. The huge irony is that the people who we initially think are destroying us, are actually the ones who help us the most to wake up. The effects of emotional wounds compounded over time can become convoluted, and sometimes monstrous in proportion – often blurring perceptions in such a way that the defenses of our righteousness grow larger and larger. It’s an odd thing about dealing with our perceived enemies. If painful emotions are still trapped in your subconscious, the ‘shadow’ still has power over you. We all take hostages mentally, to our grudges against other people, and make up schemes of controlling them and denying them. Our basic grudge design of what to do says deny them, get more out of them, and lacking self, it is all on their end. That does not do the most important thing you need to do with your own problem. It is just busybody figuring on others’ lives. And most people do not want someone arguing with what they are trying to do, most especially not just because he cannot tell himself no, control himself, or conquer his own grudge. Other people have ideas for their own lives, Get yourself some dolls to control and to make arbitrary decisions with, or to deny if you need to take hostages, reject people and play these control games. If you need to deny me, I need to deny you and get it through that thick skull of yours that you need to work on your own problems. I am a good person and I do not need any resistance or puppet strings. You need to get control of yourself. It is a simpleminded fool who in projection laughs and says, I have denied him and made him small, he won’t just continue go around and keep being, he’ll be as pathetic and small, a loser feuding piece of shit, as am I. Tragedies can be avoided in the future. I believe some can. Addiction always hides a deeper problem, a lack of self-worth. If you are holding someone actively hostage to your grudge, doling out ill will on them, being hateful, denying them, in open combat/conflict, they are going to be locked into certain recourse with you based upon that and have a right to defend themselves. Innocent people have a right to fight off criminals who are wronging them. They can do whatever is necessary. “Since we do not succeed in fleeing it, let us therefore try to look the truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live and our reason for acting,” as author and existentialist philosopher Simone de Beauvoird pointed out. The more we know, the more we grow to see of our own ignorance. I am a Scorpio and have been told that Scorpio women carry within them a powerful urge to transform and heal, but when not properly directed we can undermine solely for the sake of destruction with no positive purpose. Many female Scorpios sink to revenge, violence or to manipulation as last resort techniques of dealing with their tumultuous passions. They can draw dark, disturbed people into their force field to work out complicated psychological issues and may use their powerful perception to dismantle others’ fragile psyches out of an uncontrollable compulsion to corrupt innocence. I agree with this completely. How dare someone be allowed to change you for the negative due to their lack of moral qualities? The same thing happened to me in a series of patterns with sociopathic men, but I decided instead of being bitter, seeking revenge, placing hostility where it didn’t really belong, I would be the thing they wanted to destroy the most, were jealous of the most - myself. To continue on, while being affected, but not allow this sort of thing to happen to others. To see the patterns, the shadows in people and step in before someone who does not deserve it has the same thing that happened to me happen to them. I believe that there are still innocent people in the world and I will do whatever is necessary to protect them. There are different ways one can teach and to illustrate the concept of love. Grudge animals, these shadows, do not have the right based upon their ability, to keep their victims beat down, trying to force submission. These narcissists can intuit that a co-dependent has poor boundaries and will be an easy target to invade, and the co-dependent senses a damaged individual who needs fixing. One of the methods of which is denying their hostage his or her will. Your good ego has every right to endeavor to compel the submission of ugly ego or grudge. The truth of the matter is the ‘shadow’ is energy. It does have a life of its own. Conflict/combat certainly becomes a loop then, but the one who is in the right has the right to resist or rather morality decides. I am going to shine a light on the shadows, on our unconscious; in order to make what has been painfully unconscious conscious. Viewer discretion is a guise. Somewhere in this I discovered that I have the unique ability to express the essence. One of the ways is through: A psy•cho•dra•ma (sk-dräm, -drm) n. 1. A psychotherapeutic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist in order to understand the behavior of people with whom they have difficult interactions. 2. A dramatization in which technique is employed. 3. An event, social interaction, a narrative that manifests psychological forces or problems. The Devil’s gon-na wash all your sins away … . . You’ve never seen such. A. wretched clean. Fire’s gonna burn. all .the .sad .away. Death’s gon-na turn all the fear to flames - PUT an end to the twis-ted. Bleeding. Pain. Show you there are other veins to. Drain - Suff-o-cate this madness, re-place doubt, all the shame, and the blame. Take you on a walk of fame. The Devil’s gonna Wash All Your Sins Away … So, Nuzzle close to me at night. I’ll hold you in my darkness. It feels so right in shadows breast, THIS comfort, death, this, card of tarots. This hell spell washes over fast, an ancient older than the pharaohs. Lie with me against my skin. And feel my loving nature, sin… A rap-ture reserved in human form, for just these horrid creatures, men. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away … You’ve never felt such a dirty clean. This sel-fish lust, THIS hol-low being… Suffer HARD to know a feel-ing. The Devil’s gonna wash all your sins away …
