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pero es esta nuestra historia, de convivir con enemigos

Andrea. 21. Cis, she/her. Bi. White-passing mestiza; living in La Plata, Argentina. Unapollogetically sudaca.Full-time Translation student and retail worker, sometimes writer, mostly just really mentally ill. Asthmatic, dramatic, over-stressed piece of shit.I get too worked up about fandoms and read more fic than actual books. I can’t ever really get over my Peter Parker complex, been trying to quit smoking for years. I have too many tattoos and spend waaay too much time talking about all your faves being queer, non-white and neurodivergent. Ask me to tag whatever you need, and don’t feel bad about calling me out if I mess up or step out of line. Also, please keep in mind that I’m very bad at answering messages quickly. Or at all.
