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(sexual orientation at the bottom) I started tumblr at we’ll just say 18. I joined tumblr more to be self destructive than anything else. At the time I had no self confidence and truly thought I was ugly and worthless because everyone told me I was or made me feel that way. When I created my first account I was suffering from depression and had become addicted to self mutilation. It had gotten to the point I needed to cut daily and I started losing my mind over it. I am slightly OCD and quite ritualistic in a lot of things, including my self mutilation. I had started with breaking razors as everyone does but I moved on to surgical scalpels to ensure sterilization and precision. This last sentence gets people wondering why would things like that matter and from personal experience I can honestly say, cutting is for attention. When I was a cutter I’d have fought you to the death over saying it was just for attention but now looking back, I was always so desperate for someone to notice and ask me if I was ok though it took over 6 months before anyone had noticed how badly I was struggling. It took me another 6 months to stop cutting and another couple of years to break from my depression. When I was in high school a picture of me got sent around school, everyone saw it. At first I thought it was embarrassing and I just ignored it; then everyone started calling me “tripod” and for a boy with no self confidence, this was a game changer. Originally I figured it wouldn’t go anywhere and I’d be throwing my dignity away but something told me I should so I made a tumblr and started posting pics. To my surprise, from the start it was nothing but positive feedback and as someone who hated themselves, I ate it up. Over time I learned to appreciate myself and let other wonderful things come into my life that would have never before. I think depression can be overcome with a few things: Supportive friends/family, identifying the underlying cause, and the ability to completely forgive and forget what that problem is. For me it was a specific person who brought most of my depression, caused my self mutilation and low self esteem.. Seems hard to forgive those sort of things but I have entirely and now I am perfectly fine with that person. Everyone is beautiful but beauty is something you must earn… and the only judge is yourself. I am straight but love all of my followers, male or female. Thank you all for taking the time to read my story!
