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Babies and Bones

Topics: evolution, bones, medicine, anatomy and physiology, human infancy, mammals, birth and lactation (and feminist perspectives on body politics as it pertains to those things), science literacy, and parenting. Pediatric anthropology, biocultural anthropology, medical anthropology, paleoanth, osteology. My other blog is scienceyfeels.

Feed: Related:


Topics: evolution, bones, medicine, anatomy and physiology, human infancy, mammals, birth and lactation (and feminist perspectives on body politics as it pertains to those things), science literacy, and parenting. Pediatric anthropology, biocultural anthropology, medical anthropology, paleoanth, osteology. My other blog is scienceyfeels.



Topics: evolution, bones, medicine, anatomy and physiology, human infancy, mammals, birth and lactation (and feminist perspectives on body politics as it pertains to those things), science literacy, and parenting. Pediatric anthropology, biocultural anthropology, medical anthropology, paleoanth, osteology. My other blog is scienceyfeels.
