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4 JAmEs Siminoff

I Am currEntly thE ChiEf InvEntor At Edison Jr PrEsidEnt of NobElBiz And ChiEf StrAtEgy Advisor of DitEch NEtworks (DITC). ThE pAst is on LinkEdIn This blog is About my lifE A...

jamessiminoff.com jamessiminoff.com/rss

3 Kink~E MAgAzinE RSS (2.0) FEEd

WElcomE to Kink~E MAgAzinE! This is A plAcE whErE wE cElEbrAtE our AltErnAtivE LifEstylE living And sEEk And shArE informAtion.  WE bring to you monthly ArticlEs And intErv...

www.kinkemagazine.com kinkemagazine.com/rss.xml

3 Kink~E MAgAzinE RSS (2.0) FEEd

WElcomE to Kink~E MAgAzinE! This is A plAcE whErE wE cElEbrAtE our AltErnAtivE LifEstylE living And sEEk And shArE informAtion.  WE bring to you monthly ArticlEs And intErv...

www.eventsbymblue.com www.eventsbymblue.com/feed.xml

1 IntErnAtionAl JournAl Of InformAtion SEcurity SciEncE

WElcomE to ThE IntErnAtionAl JournAl of InformAtion SEcurity SciEncE (IJISS) wEbsitE! ThE JournAl is EstAblishEd to kEEp you informEd About rEcEnt dEvElopmEnts, tEchniquEs An...

www.ijiss.org www.ijiss.org/ijiss...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

1 IntErnAtionAl JournAl Of InformAtion SEcurity SciEncE

WElcomE to ThE IntErnAtionAl JournAl of InformAtion SEcurity SciEncE (IJISS) wEbsitE! ThE JournAl is EstAblishEd to kEEp you informEd About rEcEnt dEvElopmEnts, tEchniquEs An...

www.ijiss.org ijiss.org/ijiss/ind...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2

0 ThE OfficiAl Tumblr Of A&E NEtworks

Find GIFs, photos, quotEs And morE from your fAvoritE shows on thE officiAl Tumblr of A&E NEtworks http://bit.ly/1j0kBQA

aetv.tumblr.com aetv.tumblr.com/rss

0 My Mind And MorE

WElcomE to my blog. I likE to doodlE A lot And mAkE pEoplE lAugh. If you wAnt Any of my work I post on my blog contAct mE viA my sociAl NEtworks or E-mAil mE (ThorogoodLAwrEnc...

lawrencethor...d.wordpress.com lawrencethorogood.wordpress.com/feed/

0 CommEnts For My Mind And MorE

WElcomE to my blog. I likE to doodlE A lot And mAkE pEoplE lAugh. If you wAnt Any of my work I post on my blog contAct mE viA my sociAl NEtworks or E-mAil mE (ThorogoodLAwrEnc...

lawrencethor...d.wordpress.com lawrencethorogood.w...ess.com/comments/feed/


NEW WAYS of MUSICAL CONNECTIVITY SHARE & DORKBOT @ISTANBUL. As MusicAl ConnEctivity And NEtworks clAss @ IstAnbul Bilgi UnivErsity Music DEpArtmEnt, wE ArE going to stArt SHAR...

nwmcistanbul.tumblr.com nwmcistanbul.tumblr.com/rss

0 CommEnts For My Mind And MorE

WElcomE to my blog. I likE to doodlE A lot And mAkE pEoplE lAugh. If you wAnt Any of my work I post on my blog contAct mE viA my sociAl NEtworks or E-mAil mE (ThorogoodLAwrEnc...

lawrencethor...d.wordpress.com lawrencethorogood.w...ess.com/comments/feed/

0 A+E NEtworks

A+E NEtworks on tumblr is whErE you’ll find All our officiAl sociAl mEdiA corporAtE Accounts. FriEnd, follow And fAn us hErE.

aenetworks.tumblr.com aenetworks.tumblr.com/rss

-1 Kink~E MAgAzinE PodcAst

WElcomE to Kink~E MAgAzinE! This is A plAcE whErE wE cElEbrAtE our AltErnAtivE LifEstylE living And sEEk And shArE informAtion.  WE bring to you monthly ArticlEs And intErv...

www.kinkemagazine.com kinkemagazine.com/podcast.xml

-1 CommEnts On: A+E NEtworks UnvEils First SVOD

ThE wEbsitE for All your IP&TV InformAtion

www.iptv-news.com www.iptv-news.com/2...veils-first-svod/feed/

-1 CommEnts On: A&E

CAblEvision AdvErtising SAlEs sElls locAl commErciAl AdvErtising timE on cAblE tElEvision NEtworks And offErs AdvErtisErs thE opportunity to tArgEt spEcific gEogrAphic And dEm...

www.cablevisionadsales.com www.cablevisionadsales.com/ae/feed/