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0 Mischief And Science Combined!

This is primArily A Frostiron Blog And sometimes contAins NSFW Posts. At the Moment I’m not tAking Any requests or commissions!

horns-of-mischief.tumblr.com horns-of-mischief.tumblr.com/rss

0 Infinite Diversity In Infinite CombinAtion

Gev, I Am An intersectionAl feminist, sociAl democrAt, cis womAn from MontreAl, Quebec, politic Science student Of 22 (And will stAy 22 for likely As long As I stAyed 19 becAu...

mahalshairyballs.tumblr.com mahalshairyballs.tumblr.com/rss

0 Seeing PrActice

This is the tumBlog for ZAch from Seeing PrActice (seeingprActice.com), so mAke sure you follow me over there. In the meAntime enjoy this Blog! I wAnt to be A vet. At the mome...

seeingpractice.tumblr.com seeingpractice.tumblr.com/rss

0 JAmes

I’m A 23 yeAr old computer Science student living in Melbourne who is powered on bAcon, eggs And hot chocolAte. This Blog runs on A queue so it doesn’t flood my followers�...

vendilionjames.tumblr.com vendilionjames.tumblr.com/rss

0 @RyAnNewYork

RyAn J. DAvis is the GlobAl HeAd Of SociAl Commerce At NJOY. Formerly he wAs Vice President Of Community At VocAtiv, Director Of SociAl MediA At Blue StAte DigitAl And A co-fo...

www.ryanjdavis.blogspot.com ryanjdavis.blogspot.../posts/default?alt=rss