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0 Aspiring (insert Noun Here)

hello, I am Janie. ve/vim/virs. easy to befriend. not stabby at all. {sidebar image by cosmic-punk on tumblr} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [quick ...

janiehen.tumblr.com janiehen.tumblr.com/rss

0 Bird Facts: [all Facts Have Been Redacted]

a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma

riddleinamystery.tumblr.com riddleinamystery.tumblr.com/rss

0 MargaDita

Welcome to MargaDita! A blog solely dedicated to the one and only “Boss of Burlesque”, Miss Dita Von Teese! Here you’ll find all the newest updates on all things Dita, c...

margadita.tumblr.com margadita.tumblr.com/rss

0 ❝ ∞ Facts

Did you know: - Dongwoo’s parents own an octopus shop? - Hoya wants to have 19+ concerts? - Myungsoo wants to be a Bird? —- ∞ —- Follow us for more Facts about Infinit...

infinitefacts.tumblr.com infinitefacts.tumblr.com/rss