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0 The Ravings Of A Madd Bird

Hello all and welcome to my blog! I’m a 23 year old queer theatre geek that loves all kinds of awesome stuff. Anything! Like: Theatre, Supernatural, LOST, geeking out, nerdi...

ravingmadd.tumblr.com ravingmadd.tumblr.com/rss

0 This Shit Is So Stupid.

I am a Griff/Chicken/Mouse on the internet. I post amusing Pictures of Cute things. Sometimes videogames occur. Add me on Steam maybe. Check out my Bird. Check out my boyfrien...

www.someguyyouknow.tumblr.com someguyyouknow.tumblr.com/rss

0 "Small Brib Does Tiny Science"

19, Ace, INTP. I’m a chem/biochem double major at UMD. This blog is mostly social stuff, humor, shenanigans, Cute Bird Pictures, and science. Send me a message if you have a...

sciencebrib.tumblr.com sciencebrib.tumblr.com/rss