Hello and welcome to Exclusively Positive Press! (Formerly Positive Press Daily.) EPP is what it sounds like: a blog with the sole purpose of bringing a bit of happy news to t...
exclusively-...ress.tumblr.com exclusively-positive-press.tumblr.com/rss
Me. | Female | 23 | Italian | Slasher | • In this blog you’ll find only Robert Downey Jr. and his characters. • Yes, I ship RDJude. No, I don’t hate Susan, indeed I lo...
robert-iron-jr.tumblr.com robert-iron-jr.tumblr.com/rss
Mary - 20 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA This blog is mostly Stargate SG:1 & Stargate: Atlantis with a dash of Stargate Universe and the original movie. Original blog: De...
3-fries-shor...meal.tumblr.com 3-fries-short-of-a-happy-meal.tumblr.com/rss
November 26th, 2011 — November 25th, 2012 “What I’d like to remember of today?” This is the question I asked myself everyday for one year. The answer took that shape o...
ailadi.tumblr.com ailadi.tumblr.com/rss