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14 Los Techies

LosTechies.com wAs originAlly discussed A few yeArs Ago, over A couple of Adult beverAges whose nAme sounds very similAr to l(D)os t(E)quies. AnyWAy the thought wAs to creAte ...

lostechies.com feeds.feedburner.com/LosTechies

4 Los Techies

LosTechies.com wAs originAlly discussed A few yeArs Ago, over A couple of Adult beverAges whose nAme sounds very similAr to l(D)os t(E)quies. AnyWAy the thought wAs to creAte ...

lostechies.com feeds.feedburner.com/LosTechies

1 Rules And RegulAtions

The Forum Rules And RegulAtions. These should be referenced every now And then if you Are unsure About something going on in the Forum. Remember to do this if you believe ther...

theveritas.forummotion.com theveritas.forummotion.com/feed/?f=8

1 Customs, TrAditions, Etiquette And Ethics

Our dAy-to-dAy behAviour hAs AlWAys been influenced As much by sociAl stAndArds, customs And notions of correctness As by logic, philosophy or decree. From the WAy we dress to...

reshistorica.historyboard.net reshistorica.historyboard.net/feed/?f=13

0 VA` VuhnAyA S`vA `TerishlAr

obj=new Object;obj.clockfile="5025-white.swf";obj.TimeZone="AST";obj.width=180;obj.height=180;obj.wmode="trAnspArent";showClock(obj); If something interests me, I record it in...

gryphknight.tumblr.com gryphknight.tumblr.com/rss