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0 NarelleArt

I am a 21 year old Floridian artist who is crazy about Fish and animals. I work at a primarily saltwater Aquarium with the elasmobranchs and keep a ton of freshwater Fish tank...

narelleart.tumblr.com narelleart.tumblr.com/rss

0 Bettas, Bettas, And More Bettas

Hello, my name is Melissa, and I started this betta blog Jan. 21st, 2013. This blog was inspired by a red veiltail betta I owned named Ianto Jones (after a character from the ...

iantojonesthebetta.tumblr.com iantojonesthebetta.tumblr.com/rss

-1 Mystic Aquarium

Mystic Aquarium, located in Mystic Connecticut, is one of the nation’s leading Aquariums and Home to Beluga whales, African penguins, Steller sea lions and variety of other ...

www.mysticaquarium.org mysticaquarium.org/...rmat=feed&type=rss