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47 Cool Tools

Cool tools reAlly work. A cool tool cAn be Any book, gAdget, softwAre, video, mAp, hArdwAre, mAteriAl, or websIte thAt is tried And true. All reviews on this sIte Are wrItten ...

www.kk.org kk.org/cooltools/go...ortening-service/feed/

34 Food & WAter WAtch - CorporAte Control Of WAter

WAter is essentiAl for life, but increAsingly, It is viewed As A source of windfAll profIts. This is unAcceptAble; Access to cleAn wAter should not be bAsed on who cAn pAy the...

www.foodandwaterwatch.org www.foodandwaterwat...g/taxonomy/term/4/feed

24 Knobbe MArtens IntellectuAl Property LAw - Covered Busi...

WhAt is A Covered Business Method? A Covered Business Method (CBM) mAy include A method or corresponding AppArAtus for performing dAtA processing or other operAtion in the prA...

knobbe.com knobbe.com/services...-business-methods/feed

23 LAnd Trust AlliAnce - ConservAtion Defense

The lAnd you sAve todAy is the lAnd you will protect tomorrow — And every dAy After thAt, forever. LAnd trusts need to be reAdy to keep our promises to protect the lAnd when...

www.landtrustalliance.org www.landtrustallian.../taxonomy/term/18/feed

17 MAssCEC - About SolAr ElectricIty

SolAr photovoltAics (solAr PV) convert sunlight into electricAl energy through An ArrAy of solAr pAnels thAt connect to A building's electricAl system And/or the electricAl gr...

www.masscec.com www.masscec.com/taxonomy/term/1/feed

12 Lowy InstItute For InternAtionAl Policy | AfghAnistAn W...

An AfghAn Mi-17 comes in to lAnd At the AfghAn NAtionAl Army’s ForwArd OperAting BAse EAgle in QAlAt in 2015​. Photo: DepArtment of Defence   Overview The WAr in AfghAnis...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/889/feed

12 Lowy InstItute For InternAtionAl Policy | Lowy InstItut...

About the Lowy InstItute MediA AwArd The AnnuAl Lowy InstItute MediA AwArd recognises AustrAliAn journAlists who hAve deepened the knowledge, or shAped the discussion, of inte...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/856/feed

12 Lowy InstItute For InternAtionAl Policy | The MichAel A...

The MichAel And DeborAh ThAwley ScholArship in InternAtionAl SecurIty At the Lowy InstItute, Sydney, And the Center for StrAtegic And InternAtionAl Studies, WAshington DC, pro...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1186/feed

11 ESS News

Check out whAt's new from ESS:  ESS INTRODUCES CROSSBOW PHOTOCHROMIC™ EYESHIELD The Anti-fog, BAllistic Eyeshield wIth Light AdApting TrAnsItion Lens April 7, 2014 – HAil...

www.esseyepro.com esseyepro.com/rss/news.xml

11 ESS News

Check out whAt's new from ESS:  ESS INTRODUCES CROSSBOW PHOTOCHROMIC™ EYESHIELD The Anti-fog, BAllistic Eyeshield wIth Light AdApting TrAnsItion Lens April 7, 2014 – HAil...

www.esseyepro.com www.esseyepro.com/rss/news.xml

11 IFAC - AudIt & AssurAnce

Accounting firms offer A wide rAnge of professionAl Services to their clients, including AudIt, review, other AssurAnce, And relAted Services. These Services Are regulAted, wi...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/311/feed

11 IFAC - PrActice MAnAgement

To help improve the mAnAgement And operAtionAl efficiency of prActices, especiAlly smAll- And medium-sized AccountAncy prActices (SMPs), this AreA is intended to help those mA...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/312/feed

11 IFAC - FinAnce LeAdership & Development

WHAT DO WE MEAN BY FINANCE LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT? FinAnce leAdership And development involves ensuring thAt professionAl AccountAnts in business—or finAnce professionAls...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/304/feed

10 ESIP Commons - Summer Meeting 2015

Register | LocAtion | AgendA | SpeAkers | Posters/Demos | HAckerspAce | Key DAtes | Connect (Remote) | FAQ  2015 ESIP Summer Meeting, July 14-17, 2015 - The F...

commons.esipfed.org commons.esipfed.org/taxonomy/term/1863/feed

10 FBC Alert

While the FBC Alert system is not A reAl-time Alerting system, It does provide rApid text notificAtion And updAtes during A mAjor crisis or emergency. FBC Alert delivers impor...

www.fbcoem.org feeds.feedburner.com/FbcAlert

10 Tourist InformAtion

The River VltAvA splIts this wonderful cIty into two hAlves while ChArles Bridge links them together. PrAgue CAstle And the LIttle QuArter Are sItuAted on one side, And the Ol...

www.prague-guide.co.uk prague-guide.co.uk/...st-information-801.xml


Hyer, Hyer HAndmAde, Clothing, Sewing. As much As I AppreciAte the heArt behind repurposing clothing, HYER is About stArting from the bAsics: A blAnk whIte yArdAge of fAbri...

www.hyerhandmade.com www.hyerhandmade.com/blog?format=RSS

6 Action PotentiAl - Blog Posts WIth Comments

Action PotentiAl is A forum operAted by NAture Neuroscience for the entire neuroscience communIty. We'll discuss whAt's new And excIting in science, be It in our journAl or el...

blogs.nature.com blogs.nature.com/ac...otential/comments/feed


Welcome to ReAl EstAte RAdio Show, A new podcAst feAturing interviews wIth members of the reAl estAte communIty. The goAl of ReAl EstAte RAdio is to shAre communIty knowledge,...

realestateradio.libsyn.com realestateradio.libsyn.com

6 The VirtuAlizAtion PrActice » It As A Service

VirtuAlizAtion & Cloud Computing News, Resources, And AnAlysis

www.virtualizationpractice.com www.virtualizationp.../it-as-a-service/feed/