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0 Dragon's Den

Greetings, I am DragonSTorm12. I am a fan of anything related To anime from The works of Hayao Miyazaki, To The World of Voltage games. I will be on tumblr from time To time c...

dragonstorm12.tumblr.com dragonstorm12.tumblr.com/rss

0 Shades Of Pleasure

Shades of PleasureWelcome To my Pleasures’ World… Travel & Exotic locations, Food & Cosy places, Retro & Luxe features are included. Elegance & Class, Joy & Style are a wa...

scentofpleasure.tumblr.com scentofpleasure.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Lonesome L.A. Cowboy

I’m The Lonesome L.A. Cowboy. It’s pretty easy To get To know me but I guess I have To warn ya right up front: “I’m a walking contradiction, partly truth, partly ficti...

lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com/rss