I am your host, Noodles and Beef, and welcome to my blog. It’s my creative dumping ground and journal. I post work from my photo Projects, sketches from my notepad, and info...
noodlesandbeef.com noodlesandbeef.com/rss
OVERVIEW Australian aid cuts In December 2014 the Abbott government announced significant cuts to Australia’s foreign aid program as a part of general budget savings in i...
www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/902/feed
OVERVIEW On 20 October 2014, Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, was inaugurated as the seventh president of Indonesia. The ceremony completed the first peaceful transfer of...
www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/881/feed
Overview Chinese foreign aid sparks much debate. Critics argue it undermines good governance and other development objectives. Some Western governments fear China is challengi...
www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1105/feed
The Expedition was established in 2011 as a forum for students in the UBC course Biology 342, Integrative Biology Laboratory, to showcase their Projects. Each issue offers a...
ojs.library.ubc.ca ojs.library.ubc.ca/...FeedGatewayPlugin/rss2
Research spans the study of technical work; technology's effects on individuals and teams; the formation and growth of entrepreneurial firms; and strategy and innovation in te...
msande.stanford.edu msande.stanford.edu/taxonomy/term/58/feed
Family Business is an exhibition space initiated by Maurizio Cattelan and Massimiliano Gioni on February 2012. FAMILY BUSINESS is a guest house – a place where friends, enem...
familybusiness.us familybusinessblog.tumblr.com/rss
Peace is the way. The Revolution is in between Your Ears. Re-Contextualizing History... One Episode at a Time. Peace Revolution is a self-study curriculum produced by Tragedy ...
peacerevolution.podomatic.com peacerevolution.podomatic.com/rss2.xml
Gloria Brame, PhD. Home Therapy Services About Books and Projects Contact Practice and Policy Read about Dr. Brame's views on therapy, and what makes her different from the ot...
www.gloriabrame.com gloriabrame.com/shop/feed/
Plural is a collaborative art and design practice. Focused on a process of Research and experimentation, Plural collaborates on meaningful Projects in art, design, interaction...
pluralplural.com weareplural.com/feed/
Winkleman Gallery | A Contemporary Art Gallery in New York City | Project space focused on experiment and Research oriented curatorial Projects.
crl.winkleman.com crl.winkleman.com/feed.rss
Gloria Brame, PhD. Home Therapy Services About Books and Projects Contact Practice and Policy Read about Dr. Brame's views on therapy, and what makes her different from the ot...
www.gloriabrame.com gloriabrame.com/therapy-services/feed/
Gloria Brame, PhD. Home Therapy Services About Books and Projects Contact Practice and Policy Read about Dr. Brame's views on therapy, and what makes her different from the ot...
www.gloriabrame.com gloriabrame.com/schedule-appointment/feed/
Projects, people, and perspectives fueling New frontiers for citizen science.
blogs.plos.org blogs.plos.org/citizensci/tag/research/feed/
We are conducting surveys, monitoring, and Research on cougars (puma, mountain lion) on the Ladder Ranch in south-central New Mexico. Here, cougars are of particular interest ...
furmancougar.blogspot.com furmancougar.blogsp.../posts/default?alt=rss
Design and Research blog on ambient intelligence created and maintained by a PhD Researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Inspirations in product design, archi...
architectradure.blogspot.com architectradure.blo.../posts/default?alt=rss
Permacouture Institute is an educational non-profit for regenerative design in fashion and textiles. Permacouture Institute supports healthy integration between nature and cul...
permacouturepress.tumblr.com permacouturepress.tumblr.com/rss
Triple Canopy is a magazine based in New York. Since 2007, Triple Canopy has advanced a model for publication that encompasses digital works of art and literature, public conv...
triplecanopy.tumblr.com triplecanopy.tumblr.com/rss
Anything.. and everything.. about the New show called SUITS on the USA Network. It comes on Wednesday nights, 9pm Central Mountain time. Watch it.. you don’t know what your ...
harveyspectersuits.tumblr.com harveyspectersuits.tumblr.com/rss
doctor curator writer and editor medicine :: design :: cuisine :: fragrances website: kjb-archive.tumblr.com/archive email: senseight@gmail.com Kóan Jeff Baysa is a physician...
kjb-archive.tumblr.com kjb-archive.tumblr.com/rss