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57 Frank Bruni

Frank Bruni, a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, writes about politics, popular culture, Food and gay rights.

topics.nytimes.com topics.nytimes.com/...bruni/index.html?rss=1

1 Frank Bruni

Frank Bruni, a New York Times Op-Ed columnist, writes about politics, popular culture, Food and gay rights.

www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com/svc...mn/frank-bruni/rss.xml

0 Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman, a writer for The New York Times Opinion department, Dining section and the Sunday Magazine, covers Food, agriculture and health policy.

www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com/svc...n/mark-bittman/rss.xml

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