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14 Oliver Sacks, M.D.

Author, Neurologist | On The Move, Hallucinations, Musicophilia, Awakenings, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

www.oliversacks.com www.oliversacks.com/feed/

3 Comments On: Oliver Sacks And An Essay Worth Reading

Strength Training For Body And Mind

worldsstrongestlibrarian.com worldsstrongestlibr...ay-worth-reading/feed/

0 Comments On: Remembering Oliver Sacks

swissmiss is a design blog and studio run by Tina Roth Eisenberg, a 'swiss designer gone NYC'.

www.swiss-miss.com www.swiss-miss.com/...oliver-sacks.html/feed

0 Behind The Surface

"I have since had a deeper sense of the horror and wonder which lurk behind life and which are concealed, as it were, behind the usual surface of health." Oliver Sacks

behindthesurface.blogspot.com behindthesurface.bl.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Confieso Que He Leído

Resúmenes, críticas o reseñas de los libros que voy leyendo de autores como Vargas Llosa, Milan Kundera, Philip Roth, Eduardo Mendoza, Enrique Vila-Matas, Eduardo Punset, P...

confiesoqueh...do.blogspot.com confiesoqueheleido..../posts/default?alt=rss