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0 John GuShue . . . Dot Dot Dot

PointS eaSt from a St. John'S-baSed, ellipSiS-friendly journaliSt ... Dot-Dot-Dot iS MorSe code for the letter S, the content of the tranSatlantic tranSmiSSion received at Sig...

johngushue.typepad.com johngushue.typepad.com/blog/rss.xml

0 John GuShue . . . Dot Dot Dot

PointS eaSt from a St. John'S-baSed, ellipSiS-friendly journaliSt ... Dot-Dot-Dot iS MorSe code for the letter S, the content of the tranSatlantic tranSmiSSion received at Sig...

johngushue.typepad.com johngushue.typepad.com/blog/index.rdf

0 ❺ⓔⓂⓔⓃ ❺ⓅⓔⓇⓜ❺

SeMeNPeRmS.com SeMeN SPeRmS ¡SɯɹǝdS ,uıʞɔnɟɹǝɥʇoɯ uǝɯǝS$=666, 12", 13, 2 Live Crew, 45’S, 50 Cent Toy MachineS, 60’S Biker SoundtrackS, 60’S Biker Cultur...

semensperms.tumblr.com semensperms.tumblr.com/rss

0 Do You Call YourSelf A Fucking Hurricane Like Me ?

Katherine/Katie. 22. UK. CiS female. She/Her. PanSexual. FeminiSt. Cinephile. AvengerS. Marvel. GuardianS Of The Galaxy. Godzilla. John Carpenter’S The Thing. The Girl With ...

katiekupkake.tumblr.com katiekupkake.tumblr.com/rss

0 Bohemian Breeze

The SixtieS were a brief flowering when people thought they could change everything for the better. In the 1960S you had Sex and drugS and rock and roll and you felt a greater...

boho-hippie-breeze.tumblr.com boho-hippie-breeze.tumblr.com/rss

0 The LoneSome L.A. Cowboy

I’m the LoneSome L.A. Cowboy. It’S pretty eaSy to get to know me but I gueSS I have to warn ya right up front: “I’m a walking contradiction, partly truth, partly ficti...

lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com/rss