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0 John GuShue . . . Dot Dot Dot

PointS eaSt from a St. John'S-baSed, ellipSiS-friendly journaliSt ... Dot-Dot-Dot iS MorSe code for the letter S, the content of the tranSatlantic tranSmiSSion received at Sig...

johngushue.typepad.com johngushue.typepad.com/blog/rss.xml

0 John GuShue . . . Dot Dot Dot

PointS eaSt from a St. John'S-baSed, ellipSiS-friendly journaliSt ... Dot-Dot-Dot iS MorSe code for the letter S, the content of the tranSatlantic tranSmiSSion received at Sig...

johngushue.typepad.com johngushue.typepad.com/blog/index.rdf

0 The LoneSome L.A. Cowboy

I’m the LoneSome L.A. Cowboy. It’S pretty eaSy to get to know me but I gueSS I have to warn ya right up front: “I’m a walking contradiction, partly truth, partly ficti...

lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com lonesomelacowboy.tumblr.com/rss