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54 Freddie Gray Coverage

Freddie Gray, 25, died on April 19, a week after he was injured while being arrested by Baltimore police. Video of the arrest [http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/...

www.baltimoresun.com www.baltimoresun.co...20150420_ci_rss2.0.xml

0 Girlish Curiosity

Don’t bother opening or following this profile if your not 18+. I created this blog to post the things I like and one day would like to try. Don’t be crude or stupid pleas...

girlishcuriosity.tumblr.com girlishcuriosity.tumblr.com/rss

0 The World's Not Over Yet

In 2015 an i n c u r s i o n swept the globe, swallowing the world we lived in. Chaos reigned but a resistance of humans inevitably Surfaced; now, they fight against the invas...

incursion-rp.tumblr.com incursion-rp.tumblr.com/rss