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0 Alaina Bubble

はじめまして (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ My name is Lily Bubble, I’m a Little Girl in my head, a Bubble in my soul and i live in Neverland in my heart。 I love Japan...

lilyadventures.tumblr.com lilyadventures.tumblr.com/rss

0 Marixlush

I don’t like writing ‘about me’ sections. I never know what to write. You have to try and sound interesting to keep people on your page. But, you can never entertain eve...

mari-lush.tumblr.com mari-lush.tumblr.com/rss

0 Be Brave And Be Kind

fortune favors the bold.Madeline, 19. Social work major at GVSU. ΑΣΤ. Obsessions include jesus, horses, gymnastics, baking, nail polish, organizing, summer, books, Baby ani...

princess--madeline.tumblr.com princess--madeline.tumblr.com/rss

0 San Francisco Burger Blog

In a town known for fog, sourdough bread and chocolate, a band of intrepid adventurers has decided to begin a trek through the city’s best joints to find red meat between tw...

sanfrancisco...blog.tumblr.com sanfranciscoburgerblog.tumblr.com/rss