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13 Jane Austen Addict Blog

Musings on Austen-mania and the Writing life by Laurie Viera Rigler, author of the time-Travel/body-switching novels CONFESSIONS OF A JANE AUSTEN ADDICT and RUDE AWAKENINGS OF...

blog.janeaustenaddict.com blog.janeaustenaddict.com/rss.xml

13 Jane Austen Addict Blog

Musings on Austen-mania and the Writing life by Laurie Viera Rigler, author of the time-Travel/body-switching novels CONFESSIONS OF A JANE AUSTEN ADDICT and RUDE AWAKENINGS OF...

blog.janeaustenaddict.com blog.janeaustenaddict.com/index.rdf

0 Hi And So Forth

23-year-old person that enjoys concerts and movies… and a really good piece of Writing. Okay, food is awesome too. I like a lot of things, I guess is what I’m going for he...

takethethirdoption.tumblr.com takethethirdoption.tumblr.com/rss

0 Left-Handed Catcher

Steph is an archivist/reference librarian with a B.A. in history from Gettysburg College (class of 2011; minored in Civil War Era studies) and an M.S. in library science from ...

1863-project.tumblr.com 1863-project.tumblr.com/rss