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0 Capers And Hijinx.

My name’s Delphina! I draw a comic called Sombulus, help out with my hubby’s board Games at Whirling Derby, and doodle art for friends sometimes. =)

delphina2k.tumblr.com delphina2k.tumblr.com/rss

0 Waltee

I’m just your average guy. South UK Social:Instagram: walteewartoothSnapchat: walteewartooth KIK: walteewartoothWaltee - XXV - Grammar Nazi - Gamer - Geek London, Somerset, ...

waltee.tumblr.com waltee.tumblr.com/rss

0 Taty.

tatiana, 27, são paulo. ♥ advertising, audrey hepburn, breakfast club, british quiz shows, chuck palahniuk, community, david bowie, david fincher, design, freaks and geeks,...

tatihc.tumblr.com tatihc.tumblr.com/rss

0 Foxy Fangirling

Irish, lesbian, cis (she/her), femme shark, collector of ball-jointed dolls, liker of a bunch of geeky tv/movies, video Games, anime/manga and cartoons, fanatic roller Derby N...

foxy-boo.tumblr.com foxy-boo.tumblr.com/rss


I’m Emily and I play roller Derby and probably too many video Games. Currently in Fallout 4 with a little bit of Fallout 3 and round two of Fallout: New Vegas on the side. H...

turianosauruswrex.tumblr.com turianosauruswrex.tumblr.com/rss