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0 Movies_and_tv

Quick primer: Animation used to be painted on to transparent pages, "cells," before everything went digital. If you film the cells at 24 Frames per second, the drawings wi...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/movies_and_tv

0 Just Slightly Obsessed

living through the lines, Frames, bars, and Eyes of others.

meghaphone96.tumblr.com meghaphone96.tumblr.com/rss

0 Release Yourself- It's A Big Sky!

A sequence of Frames that shows what is reflecting in your Eyes,a beautiful place, together with you, looking at sunrise.I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. E...

hi-im-pat-s.tumblr.com hi-im-pat-s.tumblr.com/rss