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19 Discourse Development Contribution Guidelines

## Environment Before you begin hacking on Discourse, you need to set yourself up with a good development environment. Discourse as Your First Rails App is a great starting po...

meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org/...on-guidelines/3823.rss

6 25x52

An initiative to launch 25 Projects in 52 weeks

femmebot.github.io femmebot.github.io/...d/jekyll-grid/feed.xml

6 25x52

An initiative to launch 25 Projects in 52 weeks

femmebot.github.io femmebot.github.io/feed.xml

2 Jon Milet Baker

This is the blog of Jon Baker, a Software Engineer & Designer. I Co-founded GreetDesk, Mitingu, Go Tripod and founded Stubmatic.com. I write about technology, design and entre...

www.miletbaker.com blog.robotified.com/rss

0 Xoops Cube Project

Files from Xoops Cube Project Now we moved to https://Github.com/xoopscube XOOPS Cube is an Open Source Web Application Platform, empowering webmasters to create dynamic and c...

www.sourceforge.net sourceforge.net/app...s/xoopscube/rss?path=/

0 Xoops Cube Project

Files from Xoops Cube Project Now we moved to https://Github.com/xoopscube XOOPS Cube is an Open Source Web Application Platform, empowering webmasters to create dynamic and c...

www.sourceforge.net sourceforge.net/app...s/xoopscube/rss?path=/

0 Discourse Development Contribution Guidelines

## Environment Before you begin hacking on Discourse, you need to set yourself up with a good development environment. Discourse as Your First Rails App is a great starting po...

meta.discourse.org meta.discourse.org/...on-guidelines/3823.rss

0 Announcing The Github Extension For Visual Studio

Today, Steven Guggenheimer announced Microsoft's collaboration with Github and introduced several Projects that make it easier for developers on Github to work with Visual Stu...

blogs.msdn.com blogs.msdn.com/b/vi...?WeblogPostID=10610286

0 Tumblindex

Tumblindex is a Tumblr theme based on Indexhibit. It is designed as a blank-slate but is highly customizable. The theme includes built-in features to begin making these custom...

tumblindex.com tumblindex.com/rss