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34 Thingermabobbereths De Me

Skype: crewdlydrawn Skype.ui({ "name": "chat", "element": "SkypeButton_Call_crewdlydrawn_1", "participants": ["crewdlydrawn"], "imageColor": "white", "imageSize": 24 }); Some ...

www.crewdlydrawn.com www.crewdlydrawn.com/rss

18 Www.hellokids.com

Coloring pages, Disney coloring pages, Marvel coloring page, favorite Characters, games, jokes, tales for kids

www.hellokids.com feeds.feedburner.com/hellokids

6 John Romita Jr. | Mr. Marvel

I was a Paul Smith fan when he was on The Uncanny X-Men. When he left the series I was determined to hate the next guy. No one would be able to fill Smith’s shoes. Then JR J...

www.johnromitajr.com www.johnromitajr.com/rss

6 JUSTALOTTATANYA.com - Superhero, Pop-Culture, Cosplay A...

Justa Lotta Tanya is the superhero and comic book news and video review blog of Sexy Geek Girl personality Tanya Tate™, a popular cosplay model known for dressing up as Marv...

www.justalottatanya.com www.justalottatanya.com/index.rdf

6 JUSTALOTTATANYA.com - Superhero, Pop-Culture, Cosplay A...

Justa Lotta Tanya is the superhero and comic book news and video review blog of Sexy Geek Girl personality Tanya Tate™, a popular cosplay model known for dressing up as Marv...

www.justalottatanya.com www.justalottatanya.com/rss.xml

0 Journey Into Misery » Marvel Comics

Explaining complicated comics Characters and concepts to the patient and perpetually perplexed!

kingimpulse.com kingimpulse.com/tag/marvel-comics/feed/

0 Will I Be Forgiven For All I've Done To Get Here?

previously lieutenantswans. tv shows, movies, books, anime, manga, and everything else. mostly fairy tale Characters, Marvel/dc, and animanga trash. emma swan stan for life. w...

agentswans.tumblr.com agentswans.tumblr.com/rss

0 Chris Evans Fans

Welcome to WeHeartChrisEvans, a blog dedicated to the actor Chris Evans. Evans is known best for his superhero roles as the Marvel Characters Steve Rogers/’Captain America�...

weheartchrisevans.tumblr.com weheartchrisevans.tumblr.com/rss

0 Stitching The Night Away

Comic Book Geek | Librarian | Cross StitcherMy Other Tumblrs: Fuck Yeah BuckyNatasha A Tumblr dedicated to the relationship between Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanova.Fuck Yeah...

chujo-hime.tumblr.com chujo-hime.tumblr.com/rss

0 Who The Fucky Is Bucky

ariana, 21, florida; i’m an idiot and i cry over fictional Characters. i am extreme Marvel trash and lee pace’s eyebrows are eating my soul previously winterthirst

stripperleepace.tumblr.com stripperleepace.tumblr.com/rss

0 Sir, Hunt Is The Living Manifestation Of Destiny

Ali/23/Philadelphia Lover of movies and person who yells about fictional Characters way too often. Very much a multi-fandom blog, lots of Marvel, different movies, and whateve...

quicksiluers.tumblr.com quicksiluers.tumblr.com/rss


She/Her/HersMy name is Sarah, I’m 29, live in New York USA, am straight white cis-female, feminist, and comic book fanatic. Bipolar Depressed, Chronically Ill, Disabled, Low...

peppermonster.tumblr.com peppermonster.tumblr.com/rss

0 Orbitals

Just a general tumblr for a fairly average person, a somewhat geeky American housewife in Canada. Roleplaying tumblrs are listed to the left, for Characters from World of Warc...

nineprotons.tumblr.com nineprotons.tumblr.com/rss

0 Comics, Comics Everywhere!

I’m not saying i have the best comic blog on tumblr but i am definitely in the top one.MESSAGE WARNING!I get a LOT of messages. You are a LOT more likely to get a reply if y...

towritecomic...arms.tumblr.com towritecomicsonherarms.tumblr.com/rss

0 Women Of The Mcu

This blog celebrates the fabulous female Characters of the Marvel cinematic universe (including xmen and spiderman) and the actresses that portray them. Tracking: Marvelladies...

womenofmcu.tumblr.com womenofmcu.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Little Hero AU

The ask blog where all your favorite Marvel Characters get their heroic,mundane and villainous beginnings as kids! Earth-1234

ask-thelittleheros.tumblr.com ask-thelittleheros.tumblr.com/rss

0 It Must Be Humbling To Suck On So Many Levels.

Hello,stranger!Nice to see you.Come up and say “Hi”! I care for fictional Characters and stories A LOT.Mainly I post about: The Walking Dead|Doctor Who|Game of thrones|Fri...

stereowave.tumblr.com stereowave.tumblr.com/rss

0 Keeper Of The Sacred Words: NI, PENG And NOO WOM

A blog where I get to indulge in my favourite Characters actors/actresses from various fandoms (mostly Marvel) and sometimes a few other things of interest. Thundershield and ...

basched.tumblr.com basched.tumblr.com/rss

0 AniDragon's Tumblr

A multi-fandom (also multi-shipping) blog, with the occasional tumblr randomness, sprinkled with feminism and LGBT support. She/her/hers pronouns.  Current major fandoms incl...

anidragon.tumblr.com anidragon.tumblr.com/rss