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12 3D New Yorker

3D portraits of New Yorkers, their careers and links to their work. With emphasis on Art, Design, Culture & Lifestyle, 3DNY seeks to unite a community of passionate individual...

3dnewyorker.com 3dnewyorker.com/rss

0 | Commish Gives ‘consummate New Yorker’ Dolan Pass ...

Your source for breaking News, News about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, Culture, fashion, and more.

nypost.com nypost.com/2015/02/...summate-ny-email/feed/

0 The New Yorker

The New Yorker is a weekly magazine with a mix of reporting of politics and Culture, humor and cartoons, fiction and poetry, and reviews and criticism.

newyorker.tumblr.com newyorker.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Dixie Fried Bride - A Yankee Living In The Deep Sou...

A native New Yorker attempts to navigate life in the Deep South while learning about Southern cooking and Culture, canning, shooting, prepping and having various mishaps along...

dixiefriedbride.blogspot.com dixiefriedbride.blo.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Waterfall Of Fireworks.

Hello, all. I’m Sarah. 20 years old. Happily engaged. Studying Creative Writing at CCNY. New Yorker, born and raised. CEO and founder of FadSplash.com. Ohdearlyme is my diar...

isawah.tumblr.com isawah.tumblr.com/rss


Yeah life is a blur, Stuff happens everyday so i’ll just blog on my daily life and the shit that occurs. Or interest me Bio 24 year old New Yorker born in Trinidad, came whe...

smamsblog.tumblr.com smamsblog.tumblr.com/rss

0 Irresponsible Blogging

Andrew. 21. Queer, so very queer. Proud New Yorker. (Originally from Rochester). Writing major at Ithaca College. Avid participant in nerd Culture. I swear to god my URL has v...

andrewcentrism.tumblr.com andrewcentrism.tumblr.com/rss

0 Hip-Hop & Insubordination.

Second generation New Yorker. The antithesis of bougie. Food. Human. Music. History. Genealogy. Culture. Student. Blackness, wanderlust, & much, much, much more. **If you’re...

hiphopandins...tion.tumblr.com hiphopandinsubordination.tumblr.com/rss

0 Fooforevermore

29. New Yorker. Artist. Pop Culture Fanatic…

fooforevermore.tumblr.com fooforevermore.tumblr.com/rss

0 Feed Me A Stray Cat

Sarah. 23. New Yorker. Professional storyboard artist. Cinephile. I frequently post about films, pop Culture, horror stuff, superheroes, and my art adventures. Formerly acolla...

chrisnolansscarf.tumblr.com chrisnolansscarf.tumblr.com/rss

0 Artistic & Hopeful

… the random thoughts, reflections, and collections of a young New Yorker on Culture and life’s creative pursuits. var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push([’_setAccount’, ‘...

artistic-hopeful.tumblr.com artistic-hopeful.tumblr.com/rss