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4 Little Cunning PlAn

"... A PlAn so Cunning you could stick A tAil on it And cAll it A weAsel." BlAck Adder III

littlecunningplan.com littlecunningplan.com/feed/

1 Comments For Little Cunning PlAn

"... A PlAn so Cunning you could stick A tAil on it And cAll it A weAsel." BlAck Adder III

littlecunningplan.com littlecunningplan.com/comments/feed/

0 MAybe This WAs Not Such A Cunning PlAn After All

I reAlly just post rAndom stuff About video gAmes, TV shows, films And history. Mostly. I think I’m A nerd, but I’m not too sure. I Also post my thoughts on here, so thAt�...

edmundblackadder.tumblr.com edmundblackadder.tumblr.com/rss

0 EAting At The TrAsh Bin Of Ideology

StAck overflow for the sekrit plot to steAl the world bAck from the elite thAt looted the world And trAp them in A prison thAt’s A fAke stArship simulAtion. I hAve A Cunning...

m1k3y.tumblr.com m1k3y.tumblr.com/rss