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3 Free Press - FightIng Media Consolidation

The airwaves belong to All of us. Broadcasters don’t pay a cent for their use of this valuable public resource. They are required to do only One thIng In return: help fulfil...

stopbigmedia.com www.freepress.net/taxonomy/term/2/feed

0 Jim Felder Photography & Design

Hello there! I’m glad you came to see who I am and what I’m about. Jim is a passionate, sensitive visual artist that combInes All aspects of design Into a sIngle image you...

jimfelder.tumblr.com jimfelder.tumblr.com/rss

0 The Inverted Computer Geek

A blog to keep All the trivial pursuit type knowledge I've learned about Computers In One place

invertedcomp...ek.blogspot.com invertedcomputergee.../posts/default?alt=rss

0 Your Friend In Science

Because science is hard but writIng about it shouldn’t be. Submit quick questions to be answered publicly or privately, or put In a request for detailed fic-assist with One ...

mysciencebeta.tumblr.com mysciencebeta.tumblr.com/rss

-1 Bradradke's Journals On Buzznet

Hi my name is Brad it makes sense because that reAlly is my name. You can also cAll me B-rad. And i believe In unicorns. I also ride a scooter, that makes me so rad. I'm not s...

bradradke.buzznet.com bradradke.buzznet.com/user/journal/rss/