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0 Vergil And His Cohorts

I am Vergil, Nephilim child of Sparda and Eva and brother of Dante. I freed the humans from Mundus’ tyranny so that I could take my rightful place as their just ruler. I am ...

ask-dmc-verg...orts.tumblr.com ask-dmc-vergil-and-his-cohorts.tumblr.com/rss

0 Only In Japan // Only In Japan

Herein lies a Treasure chest of all things Japanese: whether they be Ancient, or beautiful, or traditional, or funny, or modern, or exasperating, or innovative, or wonderful, ...

onlyinjapan.tumblr.com onlyinjapan.tumblr.com/rss

-1 Comments On: Contract Signed – Ancient Treasure

Author of books on Ancient civilizations and supernatural folklore

brian-haughton.com brian-haughton.com/...news/my-new-book/feed/