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8 Global Toy News

Richard Gottlieb is an internatiOnally known expert, cOnsultant, speaker and commentator On The Business of play. He is a visiOnary who foresaw The cOnvergence of entertainmen...

www.globaltoynews.com www.globaltoynews.com/rss.xml

8 Global Toy News

Richard Gottlieb is an internatiOnally known expert, cOnsultant, speaker and commentator On The Business of play. He is a visiOnary who foresaw The cOnvergence of entertainmen...

www.globaltoynews.com www.globaltoynews.com/index.rdf

0 Richard_serra

Spark: How Creativity Works [http://www.amazOn.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0061732311/studi360-20] doesn't hit bookshelves until February 15.  But to get you in The mood, we've got ...

www.studio360.org www.studio360.org/feeds/tags/richard_serra