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0 ... And Klaine For All

Sam. Forty-something Canadian with an eternal place in my heart for Glee and its amazing cast and crew. In a post-Glee world I am still a Klainer. I am an avid consumer of fan...

klaineandbiscuits.tumblr.com klaineandbiscuits.tumblr.com/rss

0 Cumberbitch Sandwich

Hi, my name is Kyna. In case you’re curious, Kyna rhymes with weena, not vagina. I’m 33 magically awesome years old. I’m Canadian, but I’ve been living in the US for a...

cumberbitchsandwich.tumblr.com cumberbitchsandwich.tumblr.com/rss

0 Http://johnsissydudewebsterart.tumblr.com/

Hi, thank you for checking out my artist portfolio. It’s an easy way to see what I’m up to creatively (clients & personal) and to contact me with Your thoughts and/or crea...

johnsissydud...rart.tumblr.com johnsissydudewebsterart.tumblr.com/rss