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0 Let's Blow This Popsicle Stand

Kate | 23 | Australia I’m studying forensic biology and I love drawing and making gifs. I like Captain America too much, so if you know me in real life pretend you never saw...

justinripley.tumblr.com justinripley.tumblr.com/rss

0 Veni Vidi Vici

My name is Sami! I’m 23 years old. I live in the USA. My Twitter is @SamiJo1216 (more) My favorite shows are: Merlin, Supernatural, Sherlock, Grimm, Bones, Teen Wolf(TV), Va...

keebler-elf1691.tumblr.com keebler-elf1691.tumblr.com/rss

0 Bits Of My Addictions

Thirty-something Lithuanian. Addicted. Hopelessly. Addictions in almost no particular order: House M.D. Leverage Sherlock Sparks Supernatural Doctor Who Jekyll Andrius Kaniava...

abitaddicted.tumblr.com abitaddicted.tumblr.com/rss

0 But I Know Love.

i’m the end of a hitchcock movie, a little dark and a lot confusing. about me. here you’ll find the many loves of carly, a 25 year old born and raised californian with a h...

alovething.tumblr.com alovething.tumblr.com/rss

0 Maybe Sprout Wings.

// ghosts and clouds and nameless thingssquint your eyes and hope real hardmaybe sprout wings // Claudia. Coffee junkie, chocolateholic, reader, writer, movie buff. Gets ridic...

sproutwings.tumblr.com sproutwings.tumblr.com/rss

0 Last Name Ever, First Name Greatest

Jordan. 20. Obsessed with fictional characters and horrible scifi movies. Mainly you’ll find: Michael Fassbender, Hannibal, The Walking Dead, Suits, Black Widow, Captain Ame...

tuskenraider...tark.tumblr.com tuskenraidersofthelostark.tumblr.com/rss

0 Merlinboys

BBC Merlin tumblr. Multifandom tumblr at phoenix-acid (Sherlock, Teen Wolf, Captain America, etc). Navigation most reblogged | artworks | gifs | bradley/colin | merlin/arthur ...

phoenixacid.tumblr.com phoenixacid.tumblr.com/rss

0 Deminos

A multi-fandom, random blog that’s currently obessed with Suits, Merlin, Sherlock, Captain America, The Avengers and God knows what else… 

deminos.tumblr.com deminos.tumblr.com/rss