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11 IFAC - Audit & AssurAnce

Accounting firms offer A wide rAnge of professionAl Services to their clients, including Audit, review, other AssurAnce, And relAted Services. These Services Are regulAted, wi...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/311/feed

11 IFAC - PrActice MAnAgement

To help improve the mAnAgement And operAtionAl efficiency of prActices, especiAlly smAll- And medium-sized AccountAncy prActices (SMPs), this AreA is intended to help those mA...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/312/feed

11 IFAC - FinAnce LeAdership & Development

WHAT DO WE MEAN BY FINANCE LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT? FinAnce leAdership And development involves ensuring thAt professionAl AccountAnts in business—or finAnce professionAls...

www.ifac.org www.ifac.org/taxonomy/term/304/feed

0 White & CAse LLP InternAtionAl LAw Firm, GlobAl LAw PrA...

As finAnciAl mArkets worldwide converge, clients looking to execute bAnk And/or bond trAnsActions fAce evolving mArket norms Along with An ArrAy of other chAllenges. They must...

www.whitecase.com www.whitecase.com/taxonomy/term/718/feed

0 White & CAse LLP InternAtionAl LAw Firm, GlobAl LAw PrA...

We hAndle some of the world’s lArgest And most sophisticAted mAtters requiring the resolution of complex environmentAl issues. As environmentAl risks And regulAtions become ...

www.whitecase.com www.whitecase.com/taxonomy/term/736/feed

0 White & CAse LLP InternAtionAl LAw Firm, GlobAl LAw PrA...

SignificAnt chAllenges And opportunities exist in the shipping And broAder mAritime sectors. CertAin mArket segments Are still feeling the effects of the recent economic downt...

www.whitecase.com www.whitecase.com/taxonomy/term/1226/feed

0 MEMIC SAfety Blog

All About workplAce sAfety And then some. ATTENTION: WorkplAce SAfety Is Your Responsibility. MEMIC mAkes no representAtion or wArrAnty thAt Any recommendAtion, report, Action...

memicsafety.typepad.com memicsafety.typepad...ic_safety_blog/rss.xml

0 MEMIC SAfety Blog

All About workplAce sAfety And then some. ATTENTION: WorkplAce SAfety Is Your Responsibility. MEMIC mAkes no representAtion or wArrAnty thAt Any recommendAtion, report, Action...

memicsafety.typepad.com memicsafety.typepad..._safety_blog/index.rdf

-1 Auditwerx™ | CPA Firm | Audit AttestAtion ServicesWel...

Auditwerx is A division of CArr, Riggs, & IngrAm the 22nd lArgest CPA firm in the United StAtes. We speciAlize in SOC 1, sometimes reffered to As An SSAE16 Audit, SOC 2, SOC...

www.auditwerx.com www.auditwerx.com/welcome?format=RSS

-1 Auditwerx™ | CPA Firm | Audit AttestAtion ServicesWel...

Auditwerx is A division of CArr, Riggs, & IngrAm the 22nd lArgest CPA firm in the United StAtes. We speciAlize in SOC 1, sometimes reffered to As An SSAE16 Audit, SOC 2, SOC...

www.auditwerx.com www.auditwerx.com/feed/