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rss feeds for european studies

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24 Central European University Press

Central University Press publishes books on the political philosophy and practices of open society, history, legal Studies, nationalism, human rights, conflict resolution, gen...

books.openedition.org books.openedition.org/ceup/backend?format=rss

18 European Association Of Biblical Studies

Open to all scholars and students of the Bible

www.eabs.net eabs.net/site/feed/

18 European Association Of Biblical Studies

Open to all scholars and students of the Bible

www.eabs.net www.eabs.net/site/feed/

15 CHIASMOS: The University Of Chicago International And A...

The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source is intended as a resource for students, teachers, and the general public. It makes availabl...

chiasmos.uchicago.edu feeds.feedburner.com/ChiasmosVideo

15 CHIASMOS: The University Of Chicago International And A...

The University of Chicago International and Area Studies Multimedia Outreach Source is intended as a resource for students, teachers, and the general public. It makes availabl...

chiasmos.uchicago.edu feeds.feedburner.com/ChiasmosAudio

14 European Journal Of Turkish Studies

European journal of Turkish Studies a pour vocation d’être un instrument pour les chercheurs en sciences sociales travaillant sur la Turquie contemporaine. La revue est org...

ejts.revues.org ejts.revues.org/bac...ml?format=rssdocuments

14 European Journal Of Turkish Studies

European journal of Turkish Studies a pour vocation d’être un instrument pour les chercheurs en sciences sociales travaillant sur la Turquie contemporaine. La revue est org...

ejts.revues.org ejts.revues.org/bac...html?format=rssnumeros

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | The Michael A...

The Michael and Deborah Thawley Scholarship in International Security at the Lowy Institute, Sydney, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, pro...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1186/feed

12 Lowy Institute For International Policy | The Trans-Pac...

Overview The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an ambitious project. It is a preferential trade agreement currently under negotiation across 12 countries with a sum GDP of $2...

www.lowyinstitute.org www.lowyinstitute.org/taxonomy/term/1165/feed

10 Balticworlds.com

A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.

balticworlds.com balticworlds.com/feed/

9 European Association Of Biblical Studies

Open to all scholars and students of the Bible

www.eabs.net eabs.net/site/feed/

8 European Journal Of American Studies

The European Journal of American Studies is published by the European Association for American Studies (EAAS). The Association brings together twenty-one national or pluri-nat...

ejas.revues.org ejas.revues.org/bac...html?format=rssnumeros

8 European Journal Of American Studies

The European Journal of American Studies is published by the European Association for American Studies (EAAS). The Association brings together twenty-one national or pluri-nat...

ejas.revues.org ejas.revues.org/bac...ml?format=rssdocuments

8 Paideia

Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden - is a nondenominational academic framework established in 2000 with a foundational grant from the Swedish govern...

www.paideia-eu.org www.paideia-eu.org/feed/

7 Journal Of European Studies Current Issue

Journal of European Studies RSS feed -- current issue

jes.sagepub.com jes.sagepub.com/rss/current.xml

7 European Journal Of Women's Studies Current Issue

European Journal of Women's Studies RSS feed -- current issue

intl-ejw.sagepub.com intl-ejw.sagepub.com/rss/current.xml