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SeMeNPeRmS.com SeMeN SPeRmS ¡sɯɹǝds ,uıʞɔnɟɹǝɥʇoɯ uǝɯǝs$=666, 12", 13, 2 Live Crew, 45’s, 50 Cent Toy Machines, 60’s Biker Soundtracks, 60’s Biker Cultur...

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0 Your FriendlyNaborhood Queer & Fruit Cake

Hi!! =D I’m Natalie ^_^ I live in nj so if you’re in my state feel free to make friends with me! (A lot of this information is outdated I’m sorry I’m too lazy to fix i...

fruitfever.tumblr.com fruitfever.tumblr.com/rss