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0 Fumetti Marvel

Fumetti Marvel è un tumblr dedicato al Marvel Universe e alla sua sterminata galleria di personaggi. Qui troverete copertine e vignette d'annata ma anche di albi appena uscit...

fumettimarvel.tumblr.com fumettimarvel.tumblr.com/rss

0 What Starts With The Past Will End With The Future

Cosplayer, artist, and Horse lover. I reblog mainly Hetalia (RusAme), MLP, Horses, other animes, and amusing things. I’m 17, American, and I also love foreign cultures, espe...

mcwolly-sketch.tumblr.com mcwolly-sketch.tumblr.com/rss

0 Spooky Horse Teeth

The Art of Sierra K. Lewis Sketch Blog: EquusDentium

spookyhorseteeth.tumblr.com spookyhorseteeth.tumblr.com/rss